HPV and Cervical Cancer

HPV stands for human pappiloma virus.              
HPV can cause genital warts. Some specific types of HPV can cause cervical cancer in people who are infected. Cervical cancer is one of sexually transmitted diseases are most common around the world this time.
Statistics show about 50% of adult women who are sexually active will become infected with HPV in their lives this can occur if the immune system is weak. But if you’re strong immune system may be able to counteract the initial HPV infection, so you do not realize that you have it. Genital warts can look like a round on the shaft of the penis and the anal area, but probably will not look if it occurs in women and only limited to the vaginal area
Types of HPV that cause genital warts, including low-risk group “benign”, while HPV that cause cervical cancer in high-risk classified as “vicious”.t cause cervical cancer are classed as a “highrisk”.
Between cervical cancer and sexual activity is suspected as being closely connected, from the observations made ​​in 1841 reported that the nuns never diagnosed cervical cancer but in the same time majority of cervical cancers diagnosed in the prostitutes. But so it does not mean all women who had cervical cancer were prostitutes. Research the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer has been done in rabbits in the 1970′s, but it was not until in the human.
Another factor that can cause cervical cancer include; Using long term of bird control pills,  smoking, HIV infection, genetic factors etc.
Cervical Cancer
The cervix is bottom the uterus. When infected with the high risk human papilloma virus strains these cells can turn into cancerous. Adult females over 30 have more risk to develop cervical cancer suggesting it takes a while for your cancerous change to occur after the HPV infection. Not every women who are infected with the human papilloma virus will go on to develop cervical cancer.
In the United State and Canada, mortality from cervical cancer is more prevalent among Hispanic and Black, Immigrant community, Aboriginal and lower socio-economic, and higher rates seen among older women (ages over than 4o ). The death rate from cervical cancer in the united state and Canada is estimated higher among populations due to lack of screening so that the detection of this disease be delayed until the advanced level.
In the last 50 years the death rate from cervical cancer has decreased dramatically after the introduced method of Pap smears. Pap smear is a simple test to detect and diagnose early precancerous changes that increase success in treatment. In this test takes cells from cervical tissue samples were then taken and examined in the laboratory.
Treatment with the elimination of cancerous cells from cervical tissue can be done if done early detection before the cancer cells grow and spread to other organs.
To reduce your risk affected of cervical cancer, you can do some thing among other:
1. Increases your information about cervical cancer via internet, television, news paper and other.
2. Avoid smoking
3. Avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners, if you are a sexually active then you can use protective equipment such as condom. Perform regular Pap smear tests every three years, it’s very recommended for sexually active women
HPV vaccine
Every young woman is advised to get HPV vaccine before they become sexually active. Now some of the HPV vaccine has been available in the market, good news for women in some provinces in Canada you can get the HPV vaccine for free.

HPV and Cervical Cancer HPV and Cervical Cancer Reviewed by 129morifabiana on Rating: 5
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